Permanency Plan

two people at computers planning

The permanency plan is an essential tool used to help comprehensively assess child and family needs and identify goals, services and supports needed when a child is in out-of-home care placement. This includes like kinship (like-kin) or foster care placement. The permanency plan spells out specific steps a family must take to move toward reunification with their children.

In the last year, DCF consulted with families that use the permanency plan through a Human Centered Design process. The process included engagement with county and tribal child welfare workers and supervisors, foster youth, relatives, judicial and legal partners. This led to a broad range of recommendations that are being implemented. Changes include:

  1. Streamlined plan
  2. More user-friendly
  3. Trauma-informed
  4. Clearer permanency goals
  5. Strength-based language

Improvements have also been made to more efficiently identify and serve Indian children. Many of these changes will be accomplished through a redesign of the state eWiSACWIS system.